IASP is delighted to announce the theme for World Suicide Prevention Day for the years 2024-2026: “Changing the Narrative on Suicide” with an associated call to action: “Start the Conversation”.
Cycle Around the Globe Returns for 2024
The global community gears up for World Suicide Prevention Day 2024 with the return of Cycle Around the Globe, the annual event from the International Association for Suicide Prevention.
World Suicide Prevention Day 2024
For 2024-2026, we invite you to participate in this global consultation process towards identifying our next triennial World Suicide Prevention Day theme.
Cycle Around the Globe 2023
IASP’s annual virtual cycling event, Cycle Around the Globe, concluded with resounding success for the tenth year running, bringing together participants from all corners of the world in a shared mission to raise awareness of suicide prevention.
“Suicide Prevention Pledge Campaign 2023″
“Suicide Prevention Pledge Campaign 2023″ Tamil International Short Film Festival International Youth Day “Suicide Prevention Pledge Campaign”
Wings Hope Challenge
The “Wings of Hope Challenge” is an online social media initiative that encourages individuals to take a pledge on Suicide Prevention Day.
Prayer prevention suicide
Fountain of Life, a prayer ministry for the prevention of suicide is organizing a PRAYER MEETING for SUÏCIDE PREVENTION SEPTEMBER 10.
19th Annual Suicide Prevention Symposium
This is an annual event in Wolverhampton, UK organized by the Local Mental Health Trust (Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust).
Agire per construire Speranza
La Tazza Blu, an association working on adolescent suicide prevention in Turin, Italy, is proposing an event to discuss projects at schools.